bbhugme x Bobbie: Supporting paid leave for American parents

At bbhugme, we want what's best for new parents, and that means supporting policies that ensure universal access to paid parental leave. 

As a Norwegian company, we're lucky to be based in a country where all parents have equal access to paid leave. This gives mothers time to recover from childbirth and gives both parents time to bond with and care for their children without the risk of losing their income or job.

mom and dad with baby and bbhugme pillow

As our brand continues to grow in the United States, we are joining in the fight to advocate for paid federal leave for all American families, regardless of where they live or who their employer is. 

Did you know that: 

  • 3 in 10 women will drop out of the workforce within a year after welcoming a child when they don't have access to paid leave
  • Only 14 out of 50 states support paid leave
  • 84% of adults in the U.S. support federal leave funding for paid leave, yet 73% of private sector employees don't have it

We believe that this has to change. But until it does, we want to do whatever we can to help families who currently have no access to paid leave when they welcome a new child. 

bbhugme advocating for paid parental leave

We're thrilled to share that we have joined our friends at Bobbie, and are now an official member of the N.O. Support Grant Coalition. 

The N.O. Support Grant Coalition is a group of brands and individuals who are helping families impacted by the lack of paid federal leave.

Together, the coalition is providing 150+ families across the country with $580 microgrants. $580 is the minimum amount the Family and Medical Act -- the current federal paid leave program in front of Congress - would provide as a monthly benefit. There are now over 40 brands in the coalition.

bbhugme is proud to be supporting a family as part of this initiative and hope that our contribution makes an impact for them as they welcome a new child.

We've also signed a letter demanding that policy makers finally commit to passing paid leave through the Family Medical Leave and Insurance Act. If passed, this would give parents:

  • Up to 12 weeks of paid leave
  • Employment Protection
  • $580 in minimum monthly wage benefits

Together, let's keep working to get parents the support they deserve.

Learn more about Bobbie's Parents Push Harder initiative:

Sign the petition to pass paid leave:

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